Mutual aid

Support or aid provided by collective effort within a community, especially in an emergency or to help those in need.

What does Mutual Aid mean for this project?

The action of sharing work or offering services and resources to someone living in the same place or that you experience particular characteristics with, on the condition and understanding that this decision is not changed in the future and that it is done in a way that leaves everyone feeling strong, healthy and full of energy.

What is the philosophy around the Mutual Aid proposed by Peter Kropotkin?

As an ethical idea, mutual aid describes the efforts people make to help others without seeking reward.
reference: https://theconversation.com/this-anarchist-thinker-helps-explain-why-we-feel-so-driven-to-help-each-other-through-the-coronavirus-crisis-134494


I cannot accomplish large projects without the participation of other individuals in a unified goal and objective that we all want to achieve. The opinions and information that others have gathered is incredibly valuable and sharing this data to create a better world is the purpose of this part of this website.

I believe that most of the knowledge, experience and skills that are needed to comprehend and operate this world already exists, or at the very least, existed at some point during our human history . It is just that we humans with our limited lifespans have been unable to record, archive and distribute this knowledge to the rest of the humans on this planet and hence a lot of knowledge is fragmented.

The purpose of this page is to assimilate and distribute the knowledge accumulated by others and to illustrate how much knowledge is really out their.

I will of course acknowledge these individuals and communities working on the progression of humanity to a more prosperous future, and most importantly, I understand the suffering you must have endured to assimilate this knowledge under the current hardships of Capitalism.

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